Following Details
Step 01
Personal Details
Step 02
Scheme Details
Step 03
Investment Details
Step 04
Payment &
Confirmation Details
Payment Details
Authentication Mode
Lumpsum Paymode
Select Paymode
To know the payment efficacy matrix, please click on the link
Click Here
Select UMR
Bank Name
Bank Account Number
Mandate Expire
Maximum Amount
I have read and understood the Third Party Payment Guidelines. I further confirm that the transaction is being done through the designated bank account registered under the folio number and that the first named applicant/ investor is one of the account holders to the bank account which will be debited for such electronic transfer of funds for the purpose of this application.Further, I also confirm that, I have read and understood and shall abide by the contents of the Offer Document / Scheme Information Document / Statement of Additional Information. I/We understand that the fund shall not be responsible for any errors that may be committed by me/us in the process of conducting any online transaction or for error or failure of the transaction over internet due to any network / technical problems.I/We hereby give you my/our consent to share/provide the transactions data feed/portfolio holdings/NAV etc. in respect of my/our investments under Direct Plan of all Schemes managed by you, to the above mentioned SEBI Registered Investment Adviser/ RIA/Portfolio Manager